"Universal responsibility is the best foundation both for our personalhappiness and for world peace, the equitable use of our naturalresources, and, through a concern for future generations, the propercare for the environment."
-- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Book Excerpts:
A Forum to Discuss the Many Aspects of Yoga
Yoga Dialogues Column with Stephanie Kristal
In Order to Show The Way For Science to Verify The Phenomenon of Enlightenment
THE TRANSLUCENT REVOLUTION How People Just Like You are Waking Up and Changing the World by Arjuna Ardagh
GOPI KRISHNA LIBRARY Writings on Higher Consciousness, Mystical Experience, and the Evolution of the Human Brain
TONGLEN IN DAILY LIFE An Excerpt from Pema Chödrön's Book, "Tonglen, The Path of Transformation" on a Practice to Cultivate Love and Compassion
WHEN YOUR THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS An Excerpt from "Yoga and Yogic Powers" by Yogi Gupta
PSYCHIC TELEGRAM An Excerpt from "Yoga and Yogic Powers" by Yogi Gupta
WORKING FOR PEACE An Excerpt from "Being Peace" by Thich Nhat Hanh
LIFE AHEAD: ON LEARNING AND THE SEARCH FOR MEANING An Excerpt from an Important Book by Renowned Philosopher J. Krishnamurti Challenging Us as a Society to Begin an Education Revolution
WE CAN SAVE THE WORLD! An Excerpt from Ervin Laszlo's New Book, "The Chaos Point: The World at the Crossroads"
BOZOS ON THE BUS An Excerpt from Elizabeth Lesser's Book, "Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow"
STRESS AND ANXIETY An Excerpt about Mindfully Coping with Stress from Elizabeth Lesser's Book, "The Seeker's Guide"
ASANAS BY DHARMA MITTRA An Overview of the Practice of Yoga from "Asanas: 608 Yoga Postures" by Legendary Yogi Dharma Mittra
AWAKEN INTUITION AND REJUVENATE YOURSELF An Excerpt from "Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength & Love" by Judith Orloff, M.D.
DERIVE THE MOST FROM LIFE Based on the Book "The Yoga of Sound: Healing & Enlightenment Through the Healing Power of Mantra" by Russill Paul
FINDING AND CREATING MEANINGFUL WORK An Article Based on the Book "To Be of Use: The Seven Seeds of Meaningful Work" by Dave Smith
YOU ARE NOT YOUR MIND A Book Excerpt from the Best-Selling Book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
NATURE An Inspiring Book Excerpt About the Gifts of Connecting with Nature from Eckhart Tolle's Book "Stillness Speaks"
DAILY LIFE MINDFULNESS A Book Excerpt from "Beginning Mindfulness: Learning the Way of Awareness" by Andrew Weiss
INTRODUCTION TO "THE GIFT OF CHANGE" An Excerpt from "The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life" by Marianne Williamson
INTERVIEW WITH GRANDMOTHER TWYLAH HURD NITSCH Interview with Seneca Elder, Founder of the Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge (Excerpt from "In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women About Living a Spiritual Life" by Margaret Wolff)
TEACH YOURSELF MEDITATION A Book Excerpt on the Theory and Practice of Meditation
GROW THROUGH JOY An Article on Learning to Grow Spiritually Through a Path of Joy Rather Than Struggle
WHY HAS YOGA BECOME SO POPULAR? A Look at How a 5,000-Year-Old Spiritual Practice Has Become the Latest Mind/Body Trend
LIVING FROM THE GREEN Applying the Principles of Green Living to Our Yoga Practice and Our Life
INTERVIEW WITH ECKHART TOLLE An In-Depth Interview with the Author of "The Power of Now" Conducted at the Omega Institute
TWO ROAD DIVERGED Four Experts on Combining Yoga and Buddhism
AWAKENING FROM THE TRANCE OF UNWORTHINESS Practices that Cultivate a Sense of Universal Belonging and Connection to Our Bodies, Each Other and the Earth
ENVIRONMENTAL WISDOM IN ANCIENTINDIA The Principles of Ecological Harmony Were Established Centuries Ago
I AM BOUNTIFUL, BLISSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL A Look at the Use of Mantra and Sound in Yoga Practice
RELAX WITH YOGA EXERCISE A Look at the Many Health and Healing Benefits of Yoga
WORLD RELIGIONS PLEDGE TO CONSERVE ENVIRONMENT Leaders of 11 Major World Religions Gather to Pool Efforts in the Struggle Against Environmental Degradation
WALDEN; OR, LIFE IN THE WOODS An Excerpt from the Inspirational Classic by Henry David Thoreau
YOGA AND THE MENOPAUSAL JOURNEY A Look at the Many Benefits of Yoga and Meditation During a Woman's Menopausal Years
WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW The Drive to Dominate Other People and Nature May Have Won Advances in Economic Prosperity But Has Left Us in Spiritual and Environmental Bankruptcy
BREASTFEEDING AND THE ENVIRONMENT Why Breastfeeding is Best for Babies - and the Environment
FAMILIES NURTURING NATURE Discovering the Outdoors Together
HOW TO MAKE CAPITALISM GREEN, LEAN AND NICE Natural Capitalism: The Birth of a New Type of Industrialism
NATURAL CAPITAL: THE UTOPIAN DREAM To Preserve Our Future, We Must Re-Evaluate Our Systems and Assign Real Value to Our Natural
WHAT IS NATURAL CAPITALISM? How Business Can Restore Rather Than Destroy Our Environment
NATURE WILL NOT WAIT An Editorial by Mikhail Gorbachev
RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD AND ECOLOGY The World's Religions Come Together to Address the Current Environmental Crisis
BALANCING YOUR ENVIRONMENT WITH FENG SHUI A Look at an Ancient Chinese Philosophy Aimed at Creating a More Harmonious Living Environment
SPRING CLEANING WITH FENG SHUI The Practical, as well as Spiritual Benefits of Clearing Clutter and Cleaning
THE FIVE PHASES OR SEASONS OF LIFE A Look at the Principles of an Ancient System Based on Observing the Natural Cycles of the Seasons, and of Life
THE LEGACY OF LUNA: TWO-YEAR VIGIL IN A TREE In a New Book, Julia Butterfly Hill Describes Her Inspiring Crusade to Save an Ancient Redwood Tree
WHAT IS A MIDWIFE? A Greater Number of Women are Now Choosing Midwives as Their First Choice for Maternity Care
ED BEGLEY, JR.: Actor and longtime environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. offers inspiration and easy ways we can all adopt a more environmentally-aware lifestyle.
INTERVIEW WITH GOPI KRISHNA A Conversation about Higher Consciousness and the Evolution of the Human Brain
TIMOTHY LEARY: A candid, definitive interview with legendary futurist Timothy Leary
A FRESH PAIR OF EYES Ayurvedic Tips to Care for and Nurture Your Eyes
A NATURAL WAY TO A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP A Holistic Perspective on Sleep Imbalances and Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations
AYURVEDIC FOOT CARE A Holistic Approach to Caring for Your Feet and Avoiding Painful Foot Problems
AYURVEDIC TRAVEL TRIPS Travel Tips to Help You Feel Fresh, No Matter How Arduous Your Journey
BLISS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS: AYURVEDIC SELF MASSAGE Massage is an Integral Part of the Ancient Holistic Healing Tradition of Ayurveda
LOVE IN A JAR Ayurvedic Preparations to Unleash the Healing Properties of Roses
REDEFINING "ANTI-AGING" SKIN CARE The Ayurvedic Viewpoint on Skin Products Claiming "Anti-Aging" Properties
SEVEN THINGS YOU CAN DO TO KEEP YOUR SKIN FROM AGING Easy Lifestyle Changes to Keep Your Skin Looking Healthy and Youthful, from a Ayurvedic Perspective
SLEEPLESS IN AMERICA The Importance of Sleep According to Ayurveda, and Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Promote a Restful Slumber
STAY SNIFFLE-FREE THIS WINTER An Ayurvedic Approach to Keeping Your Immune System Strong for Cold and Flu Protection
EXCLUSIVE COLUMN: VEGETARIAN ORGANIC LIVING WITH AMIRA ELGAN Tips, Ideas and Nutrition Information for Healthful and Sustainable Living
EXCLUSIVE COLUMN: THE VEGGIE PLACE WITH JANET TUBBS Questions and Answers about Vegetarianism
A SUCCESSFUL VEGETARIAN PREGNANCY A Vegetarian Diet Contains Vital Nutrients That Ensure a Vegetarian Pregnancy Can Be Both Safe and Healthy
DETOXIFY FOR OPTIMUM WELLNESS The Benefits of Ridding Toxins from Our Bodies and Healthy Cleansing Suggestions
EATING MEAT SUSTAINABLY WITH ROBERT KENNEDY, JR. An Alternative Look at Eating Meat Responsibly
FEEDING VEGAN KIDS From Newborn to Teen, Advice for Raising Healthy Vegan Children
TEN GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE VEGETARIAN Why Be a Vegetarian? Here's a Top Ten List.
HEALTHFUL RAW-FOOD TREND IS PICKING UP STEAM A Once-Radical Form of Vegetarianism Called the "Raw Foods Movement" is Creeping into the Mainstream
MAKE AHEAD MEALS - ONCE-A-WEEK VEGETARIAN COOKING Recipes and Planning Advice to Create Delicious, Healthy, Vegetarian Meals
NUTRITION NEWS News Items and Information on the Latest Uses of Herbs and Vitamin Supplementation for Better Health
RAISING VEGETARIAN KIDS SHOULDN'T BE SO DIFFICULT A Vegetarian Diet for Children Can Not Only be Adequate but Abundantly Healthful
THE MEATING OF AMERICA The Political Clout and Influence of the Meat Industry
VEGETARIAN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN An Outline of the Benefits to Your Health and the Planet by Shifting to Vegetarian Eating
VEGETARIAN DIET HELPS IN THE PREVENTION OF CANCER A Look at Why a Vegetarian Diet May be Linked to Lower Risks of Various Forms of Cancer
VEGETARIAN FOODS ARE POWERFUL FOR YOUR HEALTH An Overview of the Many Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
VEGETARIAN MEALS ON AN AIRPLANE Airplane Travel: How to Make Sure You Get Your Veggie Meal
Newsflash! Interview with Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh by EcoMall's co-founder, Marianne Schnall at Huffingon Post