BEGREEN PACKAGING Biodegradable, Compostable and Recyclable Packaging for Restaurants and Consumer Packaged Goods. Made from Plant Fibers.
ECOJARZ Store Your Food Safely with BPA-Free Air-Tight Jars. Reusable Drinking Straws and More.
ENVIRO-ONE Fruit & Vegetable Wash - A Non-Toxic Fruit and Vegetable Cleaner that Removes Harmful Pesticide, Fungicide & Herbicide Residues.
FRUITFULYIELD Stock Up on Healthy Organic Snacks
HAPPY COW Find Vegan Restaurants Nearby
HELLO BAG Dedicated to Making Paper Bags Easier to Reuse, Waste Less and Help the Planet
LIBERTY TABLETOP World's Most Eco-Friendly Flatware Company, Traditional American Flatware, Cookware Collection.
LOCHTREE Reduce Waste and Live More Sustainably with Our Selection of Eco-Friendly Kitchen Products
MIRIAMS EARTHEN COOKWARE Enjoy The Full Goodness of Healthy Food By Cooking it in All-Natural Clay Cookware No Additives, No Glazes. Made USA.
THE GREEN PINKY Learn How to Grow Your Own Vegetables and Fruits.
THE VEGETARIAN SITE Vegan Natural and Organic Meat/Dairy Alternatives, Nutrition Bars, Snacks, Desserts, and More.
AMPLE HARVEST Is a unique nationwide resource that is eliminating the waste of food, the outcome being a reduction in hunger and malnutrition along with an improved environment. It is accomplished by utilizing the Internet to enable 42 million Americans who grow food in home/community gardens to easily donate their excess harvest to one of 8,684 registered local food pantries spread across all 50 states. These food pantries help nourish the one out of six Americans (including a quarter of all kids under six ) that rely on these pantries.
ALARMING - U.S. Department of Agriculture Data Shows 85% of Our Fruits and Vegetables Contain Pesticides Residues!
Search for Easy Vegan Recipes
Moby, and Others Speak Out on an Issue that Needs Our Immediate Attention
Please Buy Foods with This Logo On Them
Live a Compassionate Life
Eat Vegetarian
Last year, the largest ever food production analysis concluded the single biggest thing a person can do to reduce their impact on the environment is to adopt a vegan diet.
“Adopting a plant-based diet is one of the most powerful choices an individual can make in mitigating environmental degradation and depletion of Earth’s natural resources.” - George C. Wang, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center
In 2015, the World Health Organization linked the consumption of processed meat to cancer, and named red meat a likely carcinogen.
An estimated 4-6 billion male chicks are slaughtered globally every year because they serve no economic purpose. Some are suffocated, others are fed alive into grinding or shredding machines.
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi
Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.
You have to think about what you are eating?
Vegetarians are up to 20% slimmer than meat eaters.
The World Health Organization found that: Each 1.8 OZ of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. Around 34,000 cancer deaths per year are traceable to diets high in processed meats.
"If we were to eliminate meat from our diet, we could cut our risk of heart disease down to 15%." - Time Magazine
A new study by Loma Linda University has found that plant-based diets not only result in a smaller greenhouse gas footprint, but also increases longevity by up to 20%.
Vegan Diet Plan: Trim excess weight, prevent diabetes, cut cholesterol, lower blood pressure, prevent and reverse heart disease, and reduce your cancer risk.
"I'd eat dirt before an animal" - Miley Cyrus
"It may take a while, but there will come a time when we look back and say, 'Good Lord, do you believe that in the 20th century and early part of the 21st, people were still eating animals?" - Mary Tyler Moore
Food for Thought
Pigs, cows, chickens, fish, and other farmed animals are smart and unique individuals just like the dogs and cats we share our homes with. But behind the closed doors of modern farms they endure brutal cruelty. Most spend their entire lives in dark, crowded, waste-filled sheds. Some are locked in cages so small they can barely turn around. Because many animal cruelty laws do not protect them, farmed animals are often beaten, mutilated, and painfully slaughtered. You Can Help"By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegan will make a difference in the health of our planet." -Thich Nhat Hanh
The USDA says, "Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation and genetic engineering may not be used."
"I personally chose to go vegan because I educated myself on factory farming and cruelty to animals, and I suddenly realized that what was on my plate were living things, with feelings. And I just couldn't disconnect myself from it any longer." Ellen DeGeneres
Real Whole Foods GOOD - Processed Foods BAD!
Before the 1920s, nearly all of agriculture was free of pesticides and essentially organic. Organic product sales made a comeback in 2015, with total organic sales hitting $43.3 billion.
"Animal agriculture occupies almost half the land on Earth, consumes a quarter of our freshwater and destroys our ecosystems.
The Milk Myth:
Myth 1 – Cow's Milk is Vital to a Healthy Diet
Myth 2 – Milking Cow’s Isn’t Cruel
Myth 3 – Cows Must Be Milked
Myth 4 – Cow’s Milk Gives You Strong Bones
Myth 5 – To Get Calcium You Must Have Cow’s Milk
Myth 6 – Cow’s Milk is Good For Humans
Myth 7 – Kids Need to Drink Cow's MilkProblems Related to Milk: 1 - It is the main cause of infant colic and of allergies in infants to adults. 2 - Milk encourages mucus and catarrh (it doesn’t produce it). 3 - Pasteurised milk can aggravate candidiasis if you have it (many people do but do not know it). 4 - The process of pasteurising milk destroys 50% of Vitamin C. 5 - Juvenile insulin dependent diabetes is higher in high milk consumption cultures. 6 - Higher incidences of ovarian cancer as well other cancers (such as lymphatic and lung cancers). 7 - Excessive dairy consumption can cause you to loose calcium through the urine and hence actually cause osteoporosis. 8 - Because of the high protein found in dairy products, excessive consumption can actually interfere with calcium absorption. This excess protein is a major cause of the osteoporosis riddle. 9 - Osteoporosis is not caused by lack of calcium but by LOSS of calcium. 10 - A 30 year Scandinavian study showed an indisputable link between milk and arthritis.
Many people are literally addicted to processed Junk Foods.
Whole Foods - Food in its most natural state.
Meat has significant environmental consequences. Alone, the world livestock sector is responsible for more than 18% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.
MAKE SMART FOOD CHOICES Much of our pesticide exposure comes from the food we eat. Conventionally grown produce is treated with insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other pesticides. These pesticides can accumulate up the food chain into foods we eat like milk, butter and meat. They also negatively affect the honeybee and other pollinator populations.
Buy organic produce when possible. Thoroughly wash and peel conventionally grown produce before cooking or eating it to remove any pesticides that may be on its surface.
Trim fat and skin off conventionally fed meat and poultry to reduce your consumption of pesticides that accumulate in animal fat.
Be especially mindful of what you feed children. Pound for pound, they eat more food and drink more water than adults. Their bodies are still developing and are especially vulnerable to the effects of pesticide exposure.
Plant-based diet can help save the planet.
Organically grown foods are found to be much higher in antioxidants.
"Organic food has a higher nutritional value than ordinary produce", - A study by Newcastle University
Organic food is often fresher. Organic food is usually fresher when eaten because it doesn’t contain preservatives that make it last longer. Organic produce is often produced on smaller farms near where it is sold.
Organic farming is better for the environment. Chemical pesticides can make it hard for birds and small animals to reproduce and can even kill them. It is also better for the people who harvest our food.
Environmental Working Group (EWG)The Dirty Dozen (in order of contamination)
Apples - Celery - Sweet bell peppers - Peaches - Strawberries - Nectarines - Grapes - Spinach - Lettuce - Cucumbers - Blueberries - Potatoes
The Clean 15 (in order of least contamination)
Onions - Sweet Corn - Pineapples - Avocado - Cabbage - Sweet peas - Asparagus - Mangoes - Eggplant - Kiwi - Cantaloupe - Sweet potatoes - Grapefruit - Watermelon - Mushrooms