The EPA offers the following tips for preventing pollution:
Ride a bike, carpool, walk or take mass transportation to work or school.
Buy school supplies wrapped with minimal packaging, or buy products that come in bulk sizes. Packaging accounts for more than 30 percent of all the waste generated each year.
Use re-useable lunch containers bags rather than paper or plastic.
Practice Safe Take-out - Say no to extra napkins, plastic-ware and condiments.
Help start a recycling program at school or at work.
Use only recycled paper and other recycled products.
Maintain heaters, air conditioners, refrigerators and other energy using equipment, to reduce the amount of energy used.
Switch to LED or compact fluorescent light bulbs.
When you purchase electronics and appliances look for the ENERGYSTAR label and buy the most energy efficient items possible to meet your needs.
Purchase products in bulk with minimal packaging.
Save water and protect the environment by choosing WaterSense labeled products in your home, yard and business and taking simple steps to save water each day.
Protect against cell phone radiation:
• Use a headset or speaker mode.
• Hold the phone away from the body.
• Text more, talk less.
• Don’t store your phone in a pocket or under a pillow.
• Call when the signal is strong.The European Parliament just voted by 522 to 16 to urge ministers across Europe to bring in stricter limits for exposure to radiation from mobile and cordless phones, Wi-fi and other devices, partly because children are especially vulnerable to them.