"The future belongs to those who understand that doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous, and enduring, and thus more intelligent, even competitive."- Paul Hawken According to an article in the Economist "Companies with an eye on their "triple bottom line" - economic, environmental and social sustainability - outperformed their less fastidious peers on the stockmarket, according to a new index from Dow Jones and Sustainable Asset Management."
SOCAP (Social Capital Markets) Is in the Vanguard of the Emerging Global Impact Economy — Convening Ideas and Capital to Catalyze World Change.
"Governments have yet to admit that degrading the environment is the same as running up a debt that must eventually be paid." - Craig Mclnnes
Ethics and spiritual principles should be the basis of everything we do in life. All that we say. All that we think. Every activity should be based on that -- including the selection of investments.
You wouldn't want to be an owner of a company that is producing harm for the public, and therefore, you wouldn't want to be an owner of a share of a company that's producing harm for the public. We should all give great attention to that, and probably it will be profitable to you, because companies that are harmful ordinarily do not prosper for very long.
You will be better off with companies that are truly beneficial. They will go up in price and grow more rapidly. - Sir John Templeton
"The twenty-first century will be anything but 'business as usual' and the institutions that are able to balance the need to make a profit with the ability to honor the souls of those who work for them will emerge as corporate America's strongest leaders."
- David Whyte, The Heart Aroused
"Leave the world better than you found it, take no more than you need,try not to harm life or the environment, make amends if you do."-- Paul Hawken
"There is increasing investor interest in companies committed to the corporate sustainability principles - i.e., innovativetechnology, corporate governance, shareholder relations, industrial leadership and social well-being - because these companieshave superior performances and favourable risk/return profiles. We now have the quantitative tools for investors and companiesto integrate sustainability principles in both corporate and investment strategies to their mutual benefit". - Dr. Alois Flatz, Head of Sustainability Research, SAM Sustainability Group.