

The following is an excerpt from:
Yoga and Yogic Powers by Yogi Gupta

Thoughts and things are correlated. Every thought reminds you of a thing. Similarly, every thing reminds of a thought. Always there is an action and reaction between things and thoughts. Things react to your thoughts, and thoughts react to things. Thoughts bring change into a thing, so does a thing bring change in the form of thoughts. According to the modern sciences of psychology, physiology and metaphysics, it has been proven that thoughts do transform, rearrange and set into motion and activity the material particles in our brains thereby creating a specific mental state. The mental state produces a similar effect on he minds of your cells, organs and physical body. The influence of thoughts on objects of the world is as effective as on the mind of your cells which constitute your glands, nerves, bonds, skin, flesh etc. The psychic treatment can be given to the objects, conditions, circumstances, environment, etc. exactly in the same way as you give psychic treatment for physical conditions in your own body, or in the body of another person.

When your thoughts become creative psychically they will bring results in your life which at first will appear to you just unbelievable, startling, miraculous and supernatural. But really there is nothing miraculous and supernatural in the results which come purely by the use of the higher forces of Nature, known as psychic powers. Every move of the process which transforms your thoughts into things is made in accordance with natural law and order of Nature. The psychic law is natural and it works 100% along natural lines. You mist know that the psychic laws work for you only when you set them into operation and activity; otherwise nothing will happen tot bring desired results in your life. If science would not set into operation the law of electricity, you would not be able to use the electricity for lighting, in your refrigerator, heater, air conditioning etc. Once you have controlled electricity available for the desired use for your good living. Similarly, as soon as you control the psychic forces of Nature, all you have to do to make them function for your well being and good living is just to press the button psychically and they go into action instantaneously and you wait for the immediate and instantaneous results. As soon as you plug your radio, you wait for a second to hear the program. Similarly, you press the psychic button and just wait to get instantaneous results. Just as electricity and thought waves materialize into music and sound on your radio, similarly when you press the psychic button your thoughts become creative and they materialize into physical and material conditions, circumstances, environment and happenings in your life.

People who have not mastered the process of psychic creation and whose thoughts are not creative, think that the things would have happened anyway in their lives. They are not able to understand that they happen due to the forces of the higher mind. The wrong belief that the thing would have happened anyway in their lives, makes people more and more negative and lazy, and they start to take things good and bad as they come to them and do not make any effort to improve their conditions in life by supplanting negative and harmful thought projections by positive and creative thoughts. As soon as you start replacing the negative and uncreative thoughts by the creative and well-defined one, immediately you find that the undesirable persons, objects, happenings, environment in your life start to disappear and instead, good objects, positive conditions and happenings, environment start to appear, and thus your whole life is changed in a short time. This change could never be achieved by physical efforts and the use of the conscious mind. When you can make your thoughts creative, you can do wonders in your life, because you can really create things for yourself.

When your thoughts become creative, they have drawing power behind them which can pull or push persons, objects or things to you or from you. The creative thoughts make the things to you or form you. The creative thoughts make the framework around and about which start to materialize conditions, events, things, environment and happenings, which you desire to become a reality in your life.

Around and about the indwelling creative mind the crystallized substance crystallizes and forms a crystal. In the same way around and about your creative thoughts the phenomena is created as desired by you. When your thoughts become creative they set into operation and activity the higher forces and powers of the mind, and there goes into action the law of mental attraction drawing persons and objects to you. The law of mental attraction, once set into operation, proceeds like a big piece of machinery or like some powerful physical process and creates instantaneous results in your life. When thoughts become creative, their magnetic power starts to attract and draw, pull and push persons, objects or things to you or from you. The creative thoughts make the Framework around and about which start to materialize conditions, events, things, environment and happenings, which you desire to become a reality in your life. Around and about the indwelling creative mind the crystallized substance crystallizes and forms a crystal; in the same way around and about your creative thoughts the phenomena is created as desired by you. When your thoughts become creative thoughts the phenomena is created as desired by you. When your thoughts become creative they set into operation and activity the higher forces and powers of the mind, and there goes into action the law of mental attraction drawing persons and objects to you. The law of mental attraction, once set into operation, proceeds like a big piece of machinery or like some powerful physical process and creates instantaneous results in your life. When thoughts become creative, their magnetic power starts to attract and draw, pull and push in numerous ways the things, persons and conditions necessary to materialize your thoughts into a reality.

Physical Diseases and Mental Process

Telepathy, thought transference, practical psychology, all are based on influencing the indwelling mind in animate and inanimate objects. The brain waves emanating from your mind and life in other persons and objects and thereby bring physical and material change.

Your feelings, emotions and the state of your mind are reflected in your physical conditions. Your conditions of health and disease depends much upon your mental state. When you are in the company of good persons and cheerful surroundings, you will find that your body functions better. When you go picnicking in the woods, or sunbathing on the beach, you will find that you can eat a lot more than what you eat in your house on account of better appetite. The dishes which you like mentally can make your mouth water; on the other hand, unpleasant scenery can make your feel sick in the stomach.

A friend of mine, while he was dining, by chance happened to swallow a fly with his food, as a result of which he got sick in the stomach and vomited all the food out. Many years have passed since this happened, but those impressions of the past are still as fresh in his mind as they were at the time of the incident. Even now, if he sees a fly sitting on his food, he will start to vomit. Till these thought patterns stay in your mind, they keep on creating physical conditions in your body no matter where you are and what you do.

Another interesting case is of a girl who suffered, since birth, with a chronic disease of shooting pains in her stomach followed by coughing and vomiting. She was treated by experts for more than twenty years without the slightest improvement in her condition. She was in love with a boy, and finally the date was set for the performance of wedding. The bride arrived in the church at the appointed hour for the wedding, where all her friends and relatives were waiting. The bridegroom did not turn up. He was reached on the phone by the father of the bride, and he told the father that he had come to know on the day of the wedding that the bride suffers from a chronic disease, and therefore he had no intention of marrying her. The bride was informed accordingly – that her boy friend would marry her only when was cured of the malady. Without any further treatment, the bride got cured, and more than fifteen years have passed since their marriage and during that time she has not suffered from a single attack of pain or vomiting. The cause of her sickness was in her mind. The temptation for marriage was too strong, and unconsciously those thought patterns of sickness in her mind got replace by the thought patterns of health and positively, as a result of which she unconsciously created a condition of good health.

Depressing and negative thoughts force the glands to secrete poisons into the blood, which not only obstructs the normal functions of the body, but also can retard the functions of circulation, digestion, assimilation, elimination, etc. In many patients at the Sanatorium of which I am the Director of India, I discovered that the main cause of their excessive smoking and drinking was their negative and depressed thoughts. Every year millions of people are made ill, and thousands and millions get well, due to a change in the state of their minds. When you are angry, the saliva in your mouth can become poisonous due to the influence of anger. I know of numerous persons in whom diabetes and similar chronic diseases have been created as a result of mental shocks and mental disturbances. Mental states can create devastating diseases like cancer, epilepsy, insanity, paralysis, hepatitis, etc.

Mental impressions can create or remove functional diseases. Negative and depressing emotions generate in the system injurious and harmful components, which are extremely poisonous. Happy emotions make the glands secrete chemical components into the blood which have great nutritive value. Poisonous chemicals can neutralize all the nutritive elements in your blood circulation and can throw the balance of your body chemistry off. Positive emotions can create healthy secretions of tremendous nutritive value, and thereby neutralize the poisonous chemicals in your body and restore a healthy biochemical balance in your blood. By controlling the mental forces consciously you can speed p or slow down the functions of your body. When a person is nervous or emotionally upset, he naturally starts to breathe short, and sometimes finds it very difficult to breathe because the function of the respiratory organ is affected like any of the other organs by mental processes. Your mental state uses tremendous control for your nervous, vasomotor, circulatory and other systems of your body.

A friend of mine in Calcutta who had lived for a long time in China in Formosa, told me that in his village when anybody committed theft he was asked by the head of the family to swallow rice. If the person could not swallow the rice, he was announced to be the thief, and liable for punishment. The person who committed theft naturally created negative mental impressions in his mind, as a result of which, under fear, his saliva completely dried up in his mouth and therefore in the absence of saliva he could not swallow the rice. Many people would return the stolen objects when the theft was discovered by this process.

Mental conditions have tremendous influence upon your nervous system and thereby they can cause functional derangement of liver and other vital organs. Similarly, they can restore the vital organs to their normal function.

Mental patterns precede the physical conditions. By using your mental processes consciously, you can bring health and happiness to your body. The forces of the mind are like the happiness to your body. The forces of the mind are like the shifting rod of your car. When you shift it on the drive, the car goes forward; when you have it on the reverse, it goes backward. Similarly, when you keep your mental forces on the direction of your health, you acquire radiant health, but if these forces go on thereverse, sickness overtakes the body.

The influence of mental patterns upon the physical condition is not a question of mind over matter, but it is a question of mind over mind. In influencing your physical condition you are able to influence the mind in those parts and organs of your body. It is your mental patterns, which control the activities of your involuntary organs and your autonomic nervous system through the sympathetic nervous system.

One person had ulcers in his stomach. When he was mentally worried or insulted by anyone, his intestines would start to secrete a cupful of acids, which would eat up the inner membrane in the stomach, and intestines and the blood would start to gush from the wounds. The harmful chemical components and acids have a great effect upon your physical condition. It is these acids which help you digest meat, poultry, fish, etc. Under harmful mental impressions, when too much of these acids are poured into the stomach and intestines, then they start to digest your own meat, as a result of which you may have bleeding ulcers and wounds.

Cancer is also one of the numerous diseases caused my mental patterns. First the cancer appears in the mind in your thoughts in the form of vibrations, then it appears in the bloodstream, and finally it manifests as a malignant growth on any part of the body. A person having a malignant growth on his body will find cancer in every drop of his blood. A person whose blood test shows cancer will always have cancer in his thoughts in the form of vibrations. Science can discover cancer when it is in the blood, but I do not know of any method by which science can detect the cancer when it is still in the thoughts of the patient and not in his blood.

Your thoughts, feelings and emotions are as real as the houses cars and buses. I know many patients at my Sanatorium in Himalayas who had skin eruptions preceded mental strain. Yogies have discovered the science of mental and psychic patterns by which they are able to prevent the sickness in the thoughts before it reaches the body and interferes with its normal bodily functions.

A wrong mental pattern can not only cause disease, but it can also cause actual death. Once I was visiting my parents during summer vacation . In those days the British rules India, and in the colleges we used to get at least two months of summer vacation, and three weeks Christmas vacation. In those days, the kings and maharajahs occupied big estates and paid only a part of the receipts to the government. My father had inherited a large estate and was known as landlord. He was the landlord of five villages huddling together. Each village is like one county in the state of New York. He has all the pomp and show of the ruling classes. He descended from Gupta dynasty. Long before the British ruled India, it was ruled by Gupta dynasty. The period when the Gupta dynasty ruled India is known as the Golden Age of India. When I reached the railway station to visit my parents, and a big decorated chariot with eight wheels and thousands of bells hanging around in it. The conveyance (chariot) was sent to bring us home from the railway station.
The same evening I heard in the village that there lived a ghost on a banyan tree about a mile away from the main population. The ghost was supposed to have attacked many people passing from the road near the said tree making them sick and creating conditions from which it took a long time for them to recover.

I heard that there was one brave person who said to the villagers that there was no such ghost on the tree, and who would be first to go there and face the facts. A handsome reward was promised if he succeeded in going there at midnight. As it struck twelve in the night, he was ready to leave the tree. Some of the villagers asked what proof would they have that he had been to the tree since none of them wanted to accompany him for fear of losing their lives in case the ghost decided to attack. The person was given a wooden peg and a hammer. He was told to hammer the peg in the root of the banyan tree before he returned, as proof of his visiting the designated place haunted by the ghost. It was wintertime. The brave man wrapped himself in a wooden shawl and rushed to the spot with the peg and hammer. It was a dark, stormy night and he rushed to the tree, and looked around and started to drive the peg in the root of the tree by hitting it hard with a hammer. While he was driving the peg in the root, he heard some rustling sounds in the leaves and he became suspicious about the ghost. While he continued hammering the peg, he was looking not on the peg, but around him thinking that maybe the ghost may appear. Quickly, he turned his back and rushed, leaving the hammer near the peg which he had driven into the root, under the fear that the ghost may come and overtake him soon if he stays any longer. He had hardly gotten a few feet away from the root when he fell down, becameunconscious and died.

The villagers were waiting anxiously for his return. They waited till morning, but when he did not return, they asserted that he must have been attacked by the ghost. None of them wanted to go singly to know the fate of the brave man. When it was five o’clock in the morning, about one dozen of the villagers got together with a lantern, to see what had happened to the brave man. They found him lying under the banyan tree. When they tried to pull him out, they could not pull him out. Many people started to pull him unsuccessfully. Very soon, with the light of the lantern, they saw his whole body was wrapped up in the shawl, and one end of the shawl was driven deep into the earth with the peg which he was hammering in the darkness. Thus they found out the reason why they could not pull the body, wrapped in the woolen shawl. They also found that due to the same reason the brave man could not return. The mental patterns of fear were created in his mind and they were so strong that death took possession of him instantaneously. Most poisonous chemical compounds were created into his blood stream, as a result of dreadful patterns of fear in his mind that the ghost had overtaken him, and death was the result.

Many progressive authorities in the West and modern science have advanced to the point where they are able to corroborate the findings of the Yogis that your emotions and mental patterns are reflected and materialized in your physical conditions, thereby creating in you a state of health or disease.

Excerpted from: Yoga and Yogic Powers by Yogi Gupta. Special thanks to Dharma Yoga Center Shri Dharma Mittra.

Other excerpts from Yoga and Yogic Powers by Yogi Gupta:

  • Psychic Telegram

    Other books by Yogi Gupta: Yoga and Long Life



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