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PUT OUT THE "UNWELCOME" MAT FOR PETS’ PESTS Natural Solutions that Allow Your Pet to Enjoy the Outdoors Pest-Free
WHAT GOES INTO MAKING A GOOD CLOTH DIAPER An Informative Article Helping Parents Understand the Basic Differences in Their Cloth Diapering Options
IS CHLORINE GOOD FOR YOU? The Harmful Effects of Bathing in Chlorinated Water
PROTECTING YOUR BABY FROM ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS DURING PREGNANCY Useful Tips for Pregnant Women to Protect Their Babies as They Develop
GREEN FURNITURE: COMFORT WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES Considering the Environmental Implications of Home Furnishings
TOY JEWELRY CITED FOR LEAD CONTENT IN RECORD RECALL 150Million Toy Bracelets, Rings and Necklaces Recalled Because of Dangerous Amounts of Lead
NATURAL PROTECTION FOR BUG OBJECTION A Look at the Hazards of Insect Repellent Products Containing DEET, and Safer Alternatives
HOW TO USE YOUR CELL PHONE TO SUPPORT THE ENVIRONMENT A New Service Minimizes the Environmental Waste from Cell Phones
NEARLY 100 MILLION BREATHING PARTICULATES EPA Says 100 Million People in 21 States Breathe Unhealthy Levels of Tiny Particles Spewed by Coal-Burning Power Plants, Cars and Factories
VEGETARIAN ORGANIC LIVING WITH AMIRA ELGAN Dieting: Losing Weight without Losing Your Health
TOXIC POLLUTION ROSE 5% IN 2002 Toxic Chemical Releases into the Environment Rose in 2002, Reversing Trend
CREAM MADE FROM BREAST MILK REDUCES WARTS Doctors Find that Human Breast Milk can Dramatically Reduce, and Often Eliminate, Common Warts
ORGANIC AGRICULTURE GROWS WORLDWIDE Farmland under Organic Management Grows Due to Demand for Organic Food and Expansion of Markets for Organic Products
AIR FRESHENERS MAKE AIR ANYTHING BUT! New Study Finds Health Hazards When Chemicals in Air Fresheners React with a Common Indoor Air Pollutant
CELL PHONES: MAKING TALK LESS TOXIC Addressing the Hazards of Cell Phone Use to Humans and the Environment
NEW EPA RULE FAVORS PLYWOOD MAKERS, IGNORES LEUKEMIA LINK New EPA Regulation Benefits Wood Products Industry at Expense of Public Health
ASK AMY WITH AMY TODISCO Creating the Non-Toxic Kitchen
DID YOU WASH YOUR APPLE TODAY? 3 Easy Steps to Dramatically Reduce Your or Your Family's Exposure to Pesticide Residues
HEALTHY HOMES KEEP YOU FEELING WELL Suggestions for Home Builders and Owners to Help Make Your Home a Healthy Environment
JUNK FOOD ONE THIRD OF US DIET STUDY FINDS Researchers Say Unhealthy Foods Such as Sugary Sodas and Chips Make Up One-Third of U.S. Diet
DRINK YOUR WAY TO BETTER HEALTH The Benefits of Drinking Pure, Filtered Water
HIGH FUEL COSTS PUT FOCUS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY With Fuel Prices at Record Levels, Interest Grows in Hybrid Cars, Hydrogen Fuel and Solar and Wind Power
SAVE ENERGY WHILE KEEPING COOL What to Look for When Buying an Air Conditioner to Save You Money and Energy
Many Consumers are aware that Latex Mattresses offer Comfort and Many Additional Health Benefits
PROTECT YOUR FAMILY FROM LEAD IN YOUR HOME An Important Primer from the EPA on Keeping Your Home and Family Safe from Lead Hazards
SOLAR POOL HEATING BASICS Using Energy from the Sun to Heat Water is One of the Oldest Uses of Solar Energy
GOVERNMENT OFFERS TIPS TO LOWER GASOLINE BILLS Tips to Help Reduce Gasoline Consumption and Save Money
LATEX USE IN BEDDING ON THE RISE A Look at the Durable, Hypo-Allergenic Qualities of Natural Latex for Use in Bedding Products
AGING AND SKIN CARE A Look at the Factors that Can Impact Our Skin as We Get Older, and Natural Solutions
8 SAFE WAYS TO BEAT MOSQUITOS Natural Alternatives to Toxic, DEET-Containing Mosquito Repellents
TONGLEN IN DAILY LIFE An Excerpt from Pema Chödrön's Book, "Tonglen, The Path of Transformation" on a Practice to Cultivate Love and Compassion
FALLING ASLEEP NATURALLY Tips for a Good Night Sleep
TIPS TO SPEED UP CLEANING IN YOUR HOME Helpful Household Cleaning Shortcuts
AROMATHERAPY FOR YOUR PETS A Look at Some of the Uses of Essential Oils in Animal Care
SENSIBLE SUNNING Easy Precautions to Protect Yourself While Enjoying the Sun
SUSTAINABLE COFFEE NOW SERVING AT THE UNITED NATIONS Cafeterias and Coffee Shops at the U.N. are Now Serving Sustainable Coffee to Delegates, Diplomats, and Visitors
BOZOS ON THE BUS An Excerpt from Elizabeth Lesser's Book, "Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow"
HOW DO I BEGIN TO MAKE MY HOME HEALTHIER? Basic Guidelines for a Healthier Living Environment
GROW THROUGH JOY An Article on How to Live with Joy Rather than Struggle
EUROPE LEADING WORLD INTO AGE OF WIND ENERGY Europe's Wind-Generating Capacity is Expanding at a Record Rate
THE WONDERS OF HEMP America’s Most Controversial Crop May One Day Fill Supermarkets and Fuel Automobiles
MONEY SAVING TIPS TO EASE THE PAIN AT THE PUMP Consumer Tips to Cut Gas Costs and Reduce Pollution
TIDES TURN FOR OCEAN BASED RENEWABLE ENERGY A Recent Funding Boost Could Make This Ocean Energy Design a Reality
COMPOSTING FOR HOME GARDENS Guidelines on How to Build and Maintain a Successful Compost Pile
SPRING CLEANING CHECK LIST Tips to Safely Air Out Your Home and Clean Out Winter Grime

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