As a member of an organization
If your organization is involved with air quality, the environment, children, education, consumer safety, or alternative fuel technology, suggest that it join the Green School Bus coalition. We invite you to help push for more federal dollars so school districts can replace older, dirty buses with cleaner, safer school buses.
- Sign on as a member of the Green School Bus Coalition.
- Find other groups in your state to join the campaign.
- Tell your Senators to support a federal clean school bus grant program that focuses on getting the oldest and dirtiest buses off the road.
- Write an article in your organization's newsletter or on its website about this campaign.
As a concerned parentIf your school district is like most, then your kids are exposed to dirty diesel exhaust on the buses and in the schoolyard. To protect them, join us in this effort!
- Enlist others to advocate for cleaner school buses. We can provide you with information to share with friends and family, school boards, civic associations or religious groups. Your help is invaluable to this effort.
- Contact your Senators and ask them to support a federal clean school bus grant program that focuses on getting the oldest and dirtiest buses off the road.
- Circulate a petition within your community in support of this campaign.
- Work with your school district to explore options for clean school buses at your schools. Check to see if your district has pre-1991 buses.
- Help your PTA pass a resolution calling for clean school buses.
- Write a letter to the editor of your local paper calling for clean schools.
As a student
If you or your friends ride to school every day on dirty diesel buses, demand clean ones.
- Join or start a student environmental group to join our coalition and work for cleaner, safer buses.
- Write letters to your school board and your state's legislators telling them that you support efforts to clean up the school bus fleet.
- Host an event at your school highlighting the need for cleaner, safer school buses.
- Circulate a petition within your school in support of this campaign.
- Gather a group of students together and make your voices heard. Let people know that you care about your health and your environment! Ask your PTA and school board to support the campaign.
How to contact your Senators using the Internet
For Senators, go to the US Senate website, select your state under the section entitled "Connect with your senators."
How to reach your Senators other ways
By phone
Call the US Capitol switchboard--202.224.3121--and ask to speak with the office of your Senator.By mail
Send a letter to The Honorable___, US Senate, Washington, DC, 20510.Written by: Union of Concerned Scientists.

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