News Flash! Keep Warm with a Newspaper ‘Log’
Recycle old newspapers by making rolled paper “logs” for your fireplace. Here’s how:
- Roll newspaper sheets around a broomstick until the log is the desired size, then soak the logthoroughly in water.
- Dry the log overnight, remove the broomstick, and use like ordinary wood.
- Always follow proper safety precautions when burning anything around your home.
Don’t Forget to Winterize Your Home, Too!
Before leaving home for your winter vacation, turn down the thermostat (or use a programmable one) so you don’t waste energy and resources by heating an empty space. You can also install outdoor and indoor light fixtures with timers so lights don’t stay on all night.
Advice to De-ice:
Consider using nontoxic de-icing substances such as clean clay cat litter, sand, or fireplace/stove ashto avoid hazardous waste from de-icing chemicals.
- Check the pressure . Having the correct tire pressure improves traction on wet or snowy conditions. A properly inflated tirealso will help protect against wheel damage when driving over potholes. Read your owner’s manual to find the correct tirepressures.
- Protect against freeze-ups . Antifreeze/coolant is especially important when the temperature drops. Too littleantifreeze/coolant in the system can cause your engine to freeze up, or even crack. Check coolant levels regularly and top themoff as needed.
- Check the battery . Cold temperatures can cut a battery power in half. If your vehicle’s battery is more than three years old,have it tested to ensure it will carry a charge, and that the posts and connections are free of corrosion.
- Replace worn pads and shoes . Have a professional check the brakes. Maximum stopping power is essential on wet orslippery roads. Keeping your car in tip-top shape for winter will improve fuel economy and vehicle performance while reducingpolluting emissions. It will also ensure the safety of you and your passengers. Here are some tips on getting your car ready forcold weather:
- Tune it up . Check all hoses, belts, spark plugs, and electrical wires to make sure they are in good working order.
- Check the tread . Tires are critical during the winter. Worn tires perform poorly on slippery roads, making them a safetyhazard. Consider snow tires if appropriate.
Written by: Earth Share, a nationwide network of America’s leading nonprofit environmental and conservation charities, promotes environmental education and charitable giving in employee workplace giving campaigns.

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