It happens every spring. You fling open the windows, shed your winter coat,and suddenly get the urge to clean your house. But do you ever think about"spring cleaning" the toxins from your body?
Detoxifying in spring is an important part of the ayurvedic seasonalroutine, called ritucharya. Spring is the Kapha season, because the wet and coolweather reflects the moist, cool, heavy qualities of Kapha dosha thatpredominate during this time of the year (March-June).
Biologically, nature supports cleansing of the body in spring. In winter thedigestive fire is high, and people eat more sweet and heavy food. Most ofthe time they aren't able to assimilate these hard-to-digest foods, so Ama (thesticky, toxic product of indigestion) starts accumulating.
When the warm weather melts the snow in spring, it has a similar effect onthe body. In spring the Ama melts and the volume of Ama becomes so greatthat the shrotas, the microcirculatory channels of the body, become clogged.
Some Symptoms of Excess Toxins in the Body
If you don't assist these toxins in moving out of the body, you can becomeprone to flu, colds and cough, or allergies. Or you might feel unusuallyfatigued, sluggish or drowsy after lunch, or lose your appetite.
Sharp headaches, dizziness, mild tremors in the limbs, and unexplainedmuscle aches, especially in the calf, can also be symptoms. Your tongue may becoated, and your throat may be sore.
The skin can be less radiant, heavier, more oily. You may also find that youbreak out more often, are more prone to sunburn, and have dry patches onyour skin.
Yet, Spring is the best season for detoxification, because nature is alreadytrying to clear out the toxins. It's the time to help the body toefficiently detoxify the channels and the dhatus [body tissues].
Helping Your Body Detoxify
How do you help the body with its own spring cleaning? While most detoxherbal products purify the colon and the digestive tract, it is helpful tochoose a holistic formula that does more, such as cleansing the liver andblood, purifying the sweat glands and the organs of elimination, preventingbuildup of toxins in the fat and muscle tissues, and paving the way for moreenergy, health and vitality.
A Kapha pacifying diet and lifestyle is best. If you avoid eating heavy,cold, hard-to-digest foods, and avoid or reduce the sweet, sour, and saltytastes, your digestive system will be more efficient in burning away theaccumulated Ama.
Sweet juicy fruits can help cleanse the body, although they should be eatenbefore sunset, as they have a Kapha-increasing effect after the sun goesdown. And you can add spices to your food -- such as coriander, cumin,turmeric, and fennel -- to help stimulate the digestion and detoxify theskin. (See Ghee recipe below for how to prepare).
In spring you can sip hot (if you are a Pitta body type or have a Pittaimbalance then drink warm) water to help melt the Ama (digestive impurities)that have accumulated. Daily exercise, and avoiding day sleep will alsohelp.
So this spring, why not think about what you can do to help your body do itsown housecleaning?
Ghee -- Spice Recipe
The Ghee-spice recipe given below is a synergistic combination that is asimple, yet effective way to stimulate the digestion and help the bodydetoxify:2 tsps. Ghee (Clarified Butter)1 tsp. ground turmeric1 tsp. ground cumin1 tsp. ground coriander1 tsp. fennel.
Heat the Ghee in a small pan. Add the spices and stir to mix well, so thatthe aromas are released. Remove from heat before the spices burn. Use to topseasoned cooked vegetables.
Turmeric contains the flavanoid curcumin, which is known to haveanti-inflammatory properties. This wonder spice helps detoxify the liver,balance cholesterol levels, fight allergies, stimulate digestion, boostimmunity and enhance the complexion. Cumin and coriander contain oils thatare effective in helping to detoxify the liver and aid digestion.
Note - Information in this article is given solely for the purpose ofproviding education about Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat,cure or mitigate any disease. If you have a medical condition, pleaseconsult a physician.
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