Additionally, “we are what eat” couldn’t be truer when it comes to your complexion. Healthy skin happens when we eat good foods, exercise regularly, minimize stress and protect our skin from the harsh environment. So follow these proven tips to get the glowing skin and beautiful complexion you desire!
1. Water - Water is crucial to achieving a flawless surface! It allows your organs to function more efficiently, as well as remove toxins and waste much faster. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day will get your skin looking plumper, clearer and more hydrated.
2. Essential Fatty Acids- Although foods with the name “fatty” may not sound like they would be good for you, they contain omega-3 and 6, and are found in things such as salmon, trout, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and flax seed. Omega 3 and 6 help fight inflammation and sunburn, which are two major causes of premature aging. They also help your skin cells repair their natural barrier and increase cell production.
3. Eat your greens- Foods like spinach, kale, broccoli and romaine all contain vitamin B, E and C, as well as antioxidants that help fight off free radicals. The reason we don't want free radicals running around our bodies unchecked is because these unstable molecules cause damage to cells and tissues.
4. Green Tea- This may be the easiest way to ease into a healthier diet. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps the overall health and appearance of your skin. It also contains polyphenols that strengthen and protect the cell membrane, and help reduce the risk of cancer.
5. Berries for Beauty- Fruits like blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and plums are not only high in antioxidants but they’re proven to repair damage to the skin’s cell membranes. So whether you suffer from acne, sun damage or redness, eating a moderate amount of berries high in antioxidants will help repair your skin and fight off future damage. Additionally, organic foods have higher levels of antioxidants than their conventional counterparts (about 30 percent higher), says a report by the Organic Center for Education and Promotion.
6. Potato, Tomato- Eating foods with red and orange coloring such as sweet potato, tomato, and carrots boosts your intake of beta-carotene and vitamin C. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A which helps overall hydration, collagen production and strengthening skin cells. The production of collagen is important when fighting the aging process as well as acne and scarring.
Try to avoid foods high in fat, sodium, sugar, caffeine, dairy and citric acid as these can cause excessive breakouts, sagging and congestion. Also, eating processed and bleached foods (white flour, white sugar etc.) can have a huge effect on the appearance and clarity of your skin. A good way to find out your “food triggers” is to do an elimination diet. Try cutting out these foods for 14 days; slowly re-introduce them into your diet one at a time and monitor any changes in your skin.
A great way to take the first steps is to begin with a multivitamin. Introducing a good multivitamin into your routine is going to insure your body receives all the necessary nutrients it needs. Eye, hair, nail, mouth and skin symptoms are among the early outward warning signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Many report feeling healthier, happier and getting sick less often after introducing a multivitamin. A small change that can yield great results … and improve your complexion to boot!
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