As the thermometer cracks 90 degrees and hotter, many electric bills are topping out in the hundreds.
So, how do you keep the house cool and the electric bill down? Here are 10 tips from the Department of Energy and that won't cost you anything.
Number 1
Lower the shades. According to the Department of Energy, a sunny window makes the AC work three times harder.
Number 2
Keep your thermostat around 78 or 80. It sounds hot, but the experts at say it can make a big difference. In fact, they say for every degree over 78 you can expect to save 6 to 8 percent on your bill.
Number 3
When you come inside and you're hot, don't lower the thermostat to 60 to get the house cold. Again, the experts say that will just cost you more and doesn't work.
Number 4
Don't run your dryer, oven or other heat producing appliance during the heat of the day. Mornings and evenings are best.
Number 5
Make sure your TV and other heat producing electronic equipment aren't near the thermostat. That can make it think the house is warmer than it is.
Number 6
Don't run exhaust fans when the AC is on.
Number 7
Keep the lights off. They produce heat.
Number 8
Use your ceiling fans. The DOE says fans can lower the temperature by 3 to 4 degrees.
Number 9
Make sure your air returns are cleared.
Number 10
The same goes for your air conditioner. If it's blocked, it will have to work that much harder.
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Provided by: Jay Warren, WSLS NewsChannel 10
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