Polluted indoor air is no longer news. Because multiple EPA studies over the last 15 years have confirmed that polluted indoor air is much worse than the air outdoors, indoor air pollution is now considered almost "the norm" and Americans are slowly becoming desensitized to it. Whereas before, the builders, doctors, and our government actually warned people about it and took steps to deal with this serious problem, now it seems like polluted indoor air has been pushed behind and put on a back burner, because of lack of resources and other challenges facing our country today. But the problem has not gone away, has it? No, and it's only getting worse every day within the large corporate buildings and down to smaller residential homes and business establishments.
The house you buy or rent, the office you work in, the supermarket you visit, the post office you go to, all with no exceptions have some degree of indoor air contamination. From toxic chemicals to dust; smoke; pet dander; dead skin flakes, and a ton of other allergens is what you can expect to encounter in each and every indoor space you visit or live in. These pollutants have invaded our homes and offices causing harm into billions of dollars due to hospital bills and lost productivity from Americans missing work. It's reported that over 65% of population suffers from allergies or other upper respiratory problems as a result.
The good news is you don’t have to become part of that statistic, and you can prevent a health problem before it starts. And even if you already find yourself among hundreds of thousands of Americans who are suffering as a result of contaminated indoor air, solution is here and it’s a lot simpler than you may think!
What is the solution? It is having the right air purifier in your home and office to keep the air clean of contaminants. Good quality machine will in fact help you solve the air quality problem and will make your life a lot easier. But how do you find the right machine, especially since there are practically thousands of different air purifiers on the market today?
The air purifiers break down into different classes/categories. Most common is the HEPA filter, which you can find almost anywhere including your local retail store. HEPA filters are designed to filter out the air that passes through the unit, and a single unit could cover a small size room. Latest EPA studies suggest that using HEPA filters is NOT an effective way to purify the air, since the HEPA filter only treats the symptoms of the problem and not the underlying cause.
Next, is the ionizer. These air purifiers remove the pollution via ionization by changing polarity of positively charged airborne particles. Ionization is a step up from the HEPA filter technology, yet by itself it is also not sufficient. This is because ionization alone does not remove odors or break down chemicals, and does not kill or prevent mold spores, mildew, viruses, and bacteria, etc.
Most of the air purifier models on the market today either fall into the HEPA category, the ionizer category, or a combination of both. Unfortunately, this is not the effective complete solution!
The ideal air purifier should address all of the air quality problems with no exceptions. Whatever the source of air pollution, a true quality air purifier will go after that source and treat the underlying problem as opposed to just the symptoms.
* * * IN-HOUSE RESOURCES * * * |