The following are alternative power source products that will help assist you to survive a natural disaster or meet day to day power requirements.
Solar Powered Light Products:
Solar Lanterns have been an increasing favorite among people world wide to provide a light source to areas where electric power has been impaired or non existent, as in Africa. During hurricanes or other disasters, electric power is often cut to large segments of the population for extended periods of time. With a Solar Lantern, adequate light is provided for safety and normal daily activity, without the need for AC current.
Solar Lanterns come in a variety of sizes and affordability. The most economical and very efficient solar lantern is the SolaDyne Table Top Lantern Model 7450, which offers reliable light without the need to constantly replace the batteries. The Soladyne lantern has 12 bright LEDs and 4 ways to charge the lantern. You can charge this lantern by using the built in solar panel, the hand crank, using the included 12 volt cigarette lighter adapter or with the optional AC charger.
The deluxe models of Solar Lanterns provide additional features, such as, AM/FM Weather Channel radios, remote control, motion activation, and strobe lights. The GMT Solar Lantern SL9000 series and most of the Solar Navigator SL9100 series models are lighted with a powerful fluorescent tube that defuses light to a large area. The Solar Lantern SL9100WLED model is lighted by 24 super bright LED bulbs giving more concentrated light in an area of focus.
Smaller, hand held, solar or crank flashlights are available in a variety of products. The Solar Beam I and Solar Beam III use the integrated solar panel for power generation and recharging. The internal battery can also be charged with an optional AC/DC adapter (not included) or cigarette lighter adapter (not included). The internal battery stores power for use in lighting, flashing, or for recharging your cell phone.
The ElectriLite crank flashlight and cell phone charger is the ideal product for emergency situations. The Electrilite Flashlight does not use batteries or conventional bulbs that burn out. Instead, it contains 5 LED's and a unique charging system that allows you to create power by rotating the crank handle. The powerful charging system provides over 30 minutes of bright light, from only 1 minute of cranking. It is small enough to fit in a pocket or purse.
Communication/Auxiliary Power:
Solar Cell Phone Chargers and Portable Solar Panels are an excellent source of power when electrical current or other auxiliary current is not available. These devices when charging by the sun can, independently, serve as a power source to charge many small electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, cameras, and gaming devices. Sunlinq folding solar panels and Sunsei rigid solar panels can trickle vehicle, RV and marine batteries, keeping them fully charged and ready to use when left in storage.
Portable Solar Panels:
Small flexible folding solar panels are a versatile way to generate power for small electronic devices. These solar panels are flexible, foldable and durable that can produce enough power for rechargeable flash lights, lanterns, cell phones, GP, camera batteries satellite phones, MP3 players and portable games. The 25 watt solar module, designed for the marine and outdoor industry uses that require more amperage, is made with the same PowerFLEX technology as the 6.5 watt and 12 watt panels. However, the 25 watt folding solar panel is encapsulated in a polyurethane material buildup that has important benefits: UV stable and waterproof, and performs well in high temperature and humidity environments. Just about anything that is capable of being charged through a standard cigarette lighter adapter (CLA -car charger) can be charged by Sunlinq folding solar panels. Sunlinq panels are available in 6.5 Watt, 12 Watt or 25 Watt foldable solar panels along with accessories for charging products that use a USB connection. Small rigid solar panels provide 2.25 watts or 7.5 watts of power to trickle charge vehicles batteries such as those used in cars, pick-ups, vans, RVs, or boats. Vehicles that have larger battery drains because they carry more electronics such as small appliances, bilge pumps etc. require the larger Sunsei 500 (7.5 watt) rigid solar panel to trickle charge larger 12V deep-cycle batteries. The solar trickle charging helps protect batteries through long storage periods. These solar powered battery trickle chargers connect via the cigarette lighter socket, directly to your battery with clamps (included). These solar powered battery chargers are ideal for extreme climate conditions that cause a battery to discharge quicker than normal or when batteries are left unused for prolonged periods. The battery charger ensures your battery is fully charged at all time.
Cell Phone Chargers:
Pocket size Solar Chargers have the ability to charge your cell phone as well as more powerful electronic devices. The SC002 Solar Charger is capable of charging many brands of cell phones, MP3 Players, PDA's, digital Cameras, and camcorders. These small solar chargers allow you to charge directly from the solar panel to your electronic device or store the power on the Battery-On-Board. The internal battery means instant power and the capability to charge anywhere, anytime - no outlet needed. Battery-On-Board allows for three-way charging: Solar, Car, & Outlet.
The SC002 comes with connectors for many Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Palm/Treo, and Mini USB products as well as a multi head connector for other electronic devices. The SC003 Solar Charger Solar Charger will charge cell phones and other electronic devices with lower energy consumption/battery needs. Another solar powered source for emergency backup for your cell phone are the external batteries and connectors by Zap that can be charged by a solar panel, car charger or AC adapter. These external batteries can be charged and used to charge your most cell phones multiple times without having to be recharged. The ZAP rechargeable batteries act as a power backup for your cell or other USB charged products.
Solar/ Crank Radio
Solar and crank powered radios play an important role in emergency preparedness.
There is a wide selection of these radios on the market with many different features. Some are equipped with built-in cell phone chargers and USB port which can power other small electronic equipment. A typical solar/crank radio has 4 way power capabilities: Hand Crank, Solar, and AA Batteries & AC Adapter. Solar powered radios have a variety of features included with the radio. Features include; full spectrum shortwave reception for overseas broadcasts, AM/FM radio, NOAA weather channels, auxiliary light source, and auxiliary power source. Some of the more versatile radios that provide solar and crank charging are the Kaito KA500 voyager, Eton/Grundig FR300 and FR150 and Freeplay Summit.
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