By Hillol Ray
Environmental issues can no longer be regarded As a luxury or afterthought-Rather, they should be a central part of policy-making That had already been fought!Economic and social developments need to be integrated To give ailing planet a chance-While positive vision of long-term growth, equity, And justice may be allowed to dance!Despite the achievements, our ailing planet Is still in need of intensive care-And my visionary mind offers alone The latest readings on her health to share!Population growth, poverty, and pollution Threaten the quests for sustainable Earth-Followed by rapid urbanization and demands for water, While we lose Nature's mirth!Rural poverty, consumption habits, land and energy Continue to play a significant role-And are placing intense pressures on The ailing planet's ability to withstand the toll!In an era of interdependence, the sense of Mutual responsibilities needs to prevail-About the health of the planet; otherwise, the quest For sustainability will definitely fail!Environmental footprints left by past societies Are too much larger than the societies now-So I suggest to pursue a sound path to modernization Through the technical know-how!Economic growth, social progress, protection Of our environment and natural resources-Should be real and tangible issues for a sustainable planet And used as her defense forces!To accelerate international cooperation, The globalization should work not just for a few-Rather, I urge to review the daily impact On our planet and its peoples with an open view!Development appears to be divorced from its human And cultural context over the years-But there's a need now to search for our past, And learn from our ancestors, without fears!Aspects of globalization must focus on human, Cultural and spiritual dimensions of all-Irrespective of our diversity, and the interdependence Of mankind should stand pretty tall!Now, the time has come to nurture a holistic worldview And connect with the Nature-While values drawn from indigenous beliefs And all world religion must show caricature!Eradication of poverty will lead to better development, And there's no doubt in my mind-While the treaties and agreements need to be pursued To put the authorities in a bind!A pristine environment is vital to human survival As well as to the flora and fauna of sea-And I will nod my head till I breathe to protect Our planet, as it matters, with a safety key!For the 21st century, our ailing planet is in dire needs Of ecological diversity for sure-To provide life and sustenance, as well as spiritual identity, Drenched in water to be pure!Well, by preserving the planet, our ability to bequeath A greener future will silently ring-And I will wait for the moment to which humanity Can aspire certainly with joy and sing!
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