SUN-DAYA Campaign for a Sustainable Energy FutureSunday, has three primary objectives: |
1, Educate members of the general public, the media, decision makers and other about the status, potential, and benefits (i.e., creating jobs, protecting the environment) of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies; |
2, Showcase the programs and technologies being sponsored by the participating environmental, consumer, labor, student, and religious organizations, businesses, utilities, government (federal, state, and local) agencies and officials, and others; and |
3, Encourage new public and provate initiatives to expand further the use of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies. |
SUN DAY will feature a wide variety of programs initiated by participating organizations. These include both one-day educational activities such as fairs, tours, seminars, news conferences, and exhibits as well as activities that have a longer-term impact such as announcing changes in governmental procurement and budgetary policies or building codes, initiation of energy policy reviews by corporate and government dicision makers, and incorporation of energy materials into school curricula.
Call the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse 1 800 523-2929 for free information on conservation and renewable energy. EREC is operated by NCI Information Systems, Inc. for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory/U.S. Department of Energy. |